Two Reasons to LOVE being on YouTube

Chasing The Apex
3 min readSep 24, 2021


Hint, it’s not the Money!

Can you guess why?

I think most Creators began on Youtube with the thinking

“Ah, man I have that hobby! Here’s some person making millions with the same hobby!”


“I HATE that guy on Youtube, I could do waaaaay Better”

At least that’s a general consensus from what I’ve began to call “NewTubers”, in which I am one, and I’m proud to say that though I’m an Automotive Youtuber, that I’ve met some of the greatest people I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet, being a creator.

They helped me grow, creatively, using their own genres as a baseline, what they watched, what they created, they taught me to actually use a editing software, and most importantly they taught me, that EVERYONE sucks when they begin (At least if you’re making your own creations, and not paying someone else).

They also taught me something through my interaction, they taught me perseverance, to Challenge myself every video to improve JUST a little. In some way, whether it was the story I was trying to portray through my videography, or how Audio really does matter. Honestly, I just looked back at some of my creations, from even six months ago, and cringe. Because I feel like over the year, I get a just a little Better, and it took a community to teach me, coach me, mentor me. They invested themselves in my creations, and I in theirs.

But what are the two most important things I’ve learned?


In this video, I found success, not because I’m some great and mighty creator, but because of the relationships built, I had the opportunity to put this young lady on camera, and had access to HER dream car!

Now one might think that’s a small thing, and I had already driven and test drove a great many cars. But here, I had the privilege to provide someone else their very own personal opportunity to experience their desire in that moment. To me, that’s hugely special; it’s something I had always hoped Youtube would allow me to do. The ability to provide someone else the opportunity to share the experience, and passion I myself received while driving.

I’m super grateful for her, giving me the opportunity. But she made me smile, and honestly, I couldn’t have done that without building a foundation of trust over my short couple of years creating.


Imagine hanging out, in an almost fulltime, part-time basis with the people in your network, you get to know them, they become invested in you, and what you’re trying to do! It happened again, I had the opportunity to take Katherine aka “KO” for a ride, and while I know it’s a test drive in a pretty spectacular car, as you can see by the thumbnail of the video below, for me? It was about her, it was about how I could fulfill a desire for her.


As the thumbnail eludes, she really did hijack my video, and you know what? IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Alright Jason, what’s the point?

The point? Okay, honestly, here’s my point. While most creators came to YouTube for their own individual reasons, there’s more to it then them, it’s the relationships they build, it’s the journey, it’s the unexpected return of SMILES!

A man I consider a close friend, and a Creator I admire, once told me; “Keep creating, if you make one person smile! My Goal is ONE MILLION SMILES”.

While he’s on a long hiatus, he shaped my creations, by shaping my perspective. (Yes I linked him below).

In short, sometimes I think creators allow their ego, to get in the way of what they’re really trying to do; or perhaps their ego clouds what they’re really accomplishing, which frankly all boils down to making others smile in my opinion.

WARNING, GRAPHIC GAMING CONTENT (I told you, far different than mine, but the network of NEWTUBERS is vast, and honestly I love each and everyone of them)




Chasing The Apex

Random Driving Enthusiast (Note I didn't say car), Small Youtuber that looks a bit like Uncle Fester, Purveryor of random experiences,