Here’s what Porsche Does Right (That few other manufacturers do)

Chasing The Apex
2 min readOct 16, 2021


Evolution, not Revolution

I can almost hear the engineering tirades from all the way over here.

I say it in just about every one of my videos, and the longer I test drive cars, the MORE I believe this to be truth, Porsche creates an evolution of a creation, instead of a revolution of a model, and that I believe is what’s key to their success.

I can get in a Porsche, any Porsche, and guess what, I know exactly what to expect, I know whether or not I should Late Apex (if Rear Engine) or I can just throw it in anywhere (The Mid Engine, yes they’re really that good Porsche 911 Purists), but toss a coin, I’m still going to be able to make a Porsche go a spirited clip. Got it, the engineering is there, but If you’ve never watched any of my videos, than you wouldn’t know, I could care less about specs. That tells me nothing about how a car drives, and what that elegant dance with death down a canyon road communicates to me.

I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area, and I’ll admit the Porsche Community is the dominating one, the air cooled variants the priority. But it never fails, you’ll find on every bit of twisty road in these parts, will be one of Stuttgart’s finest being thrown turn to turn. Yes, there are cars that do some things better, absolutely you can expect a barrage of engineering stats, and claims of 1 of 1 million in rarity because of color, AND YES there’s plenty of young yuppie Start Up junkies, trying to pose at the local starbucks in the attempt to try and sway some young woman, with his pretty silver 911 (That looks exactly like every other 911 btw).

But start her up on a cold morning, and in proper German Fashion she’ll growl, and gurgle, as if you had awakened medusa herself. Thrust her down a straight away, and watch her settle into a pace, more importantly, toss her into a turn. Where she really shines, dancing from corner to corner, stringing together a series of turns together creating a moment of zen like clarity.

Are there cars better at it? Sure, of course there are. But can you guarantee that every model you enter of that marquee is a backroads weapon?

Probably not,

Porsche makes sure, you get one. Even if they are all in that generally terrible silver color that everyone loves but me.

I’ve driven my fair share, and I assure you, I haven’t tested a bad one yet.

If you have, please leave a comment below, but please don’t start with the ridiculous quarter mile times, at least quote your lap times.

981 GT4 I ended up buying this car
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Chasing The Apex

Random Driving Enthusiast (Note I didn't say car), Small Youtuber that looks a bit like Uncle Fester, Purveryor of random experiences,